This site is for those who race cars, or want to race cars, but don’t have an unlimited budget. Once you get bitten by the racing bug, your life changes forever. You constantly think about making your car better. You constantly look forward to the next race weekend. You constantly dream of a checkered flag. And you constantly wonder how you’re gonna pay for it all.
So I developed this site to share ideas about Racing On The Cheap. Join me for the ride…
Hi Jeff, welcome to the sport! I love the idea of a Mercedes LeMons/Chump racecar. Please keep us updated with a few pics in the future.
I just discovered your site. I thought I’d start at the beginning. I’m 49. I’ve always been a racing fan but I drove in the Thunderhill Lemons race several weeks ago and now I’m hooked. I’m even starting to build up a car for Lemons racing – an early 70’s Mercedes 280. Maybe not the raciest choice but I picked up three of them for free recently. They were abandoned on a storage lot I own.
Hi Steve, I hope to be able to pass along to others what racing insight has been passed down to me.
The Z airbox did work well, and it required a couple steps richer jets to work right. But I never got it on the dyno to prove the results.
Great info and insight. Whats you thoughts on the airbox/base of windshield set up? Worth the time and effort? Did you feel the motor got a denser source of air?
Thanks for checking in Lance. Kudos to you for being your own pit crew. I’ve spent many weekends at the track solo, and while it is a very satisfying experience, it’s also exhausting. Unless you’ve done it yourself, it’s hard to understand. And you’re right: Racing’s Racing! Straight, curvey, or roundy-round, it’s worth the effort.
Some excellent info for amateur racers. I work for a machine shop but also race part time when I get the chance. I don’t think most people realize what all goes into just getting to the racetrack. Although I have a drag car, racing is racing. I usually go to the track by myself so some of the things you touched on like planning ahead are priceless. There is lots of good info on this site. Well done and I look forward to reading more.
Welcome to racing, Karl. Hopefully this site will give you some ideas on how to keep moving forward in this exciting sport.
Great blog on becoming an amateur race car driver! Finally, someone put this information out there for us newbies and dreamers. Looking forward to reading more.